
Stranded Blog Amy Edwards Green Knitting Spinning Dyeing
Hello! My name's Amy - I know that lots of trendy folks often write their bios in the third person - so I could write...

'Amy is a twenty-five year old knitting and fibre arts enthusiast living the high life on the South East coast of England. She spends her time knitting, spinning, dyeing and obsessively photographing her creations.'

But I'm not trendy enough for that. Nor am I living the high life. The rest of it's true though! I knit almost constantly, have a bipolar spinning habit and I dye my own yarn. I'm very liberal, very feminist and very into being nice to everyone. I'm slowly winning the battle against depression and anxiety - you can read a little more about that in my post about How Knitting Saved My Life.
Pretty much every day is a bad hair day. I'm an art school drop out and apart from knitting, I love audiobooks - particularly crime novels, photography, stripy T-shirts and the colour grey.

 Stranded Blog Amy Edwards Green Knitting

I started this blog as a place to document and keep track of my projects, as well as somewhere to talk about my passion for all things yarn. Here you will find my inspiration, my knitting progress and just occasionally - the odd finished object! There's also photographs, lots of photographs and some snippets from every day life.

Stranded Blog Amy Edwards Green Knitting

After dyeing yarn for myself for years, I've recently launched Stranded Dyeworks - an etsy shop where I sell my hand dyed yarn and fibre - when I can persuade myself to part with it! ;)

Don't be shy, introduce yourself - I'm always looking for new fibre friends!

You can find me on ravelry as amyflorence and instagram as @amyflorence

1 comment:

  1. I have just read all of your posts. Your work is always so pretty and colourful. You have inspired me to write my own blog, as the online crafting community has really helped me in the past. Thank you for sharing your socks and everything else.
